Atlanta Moving Blog - Tips, Tricks, and Insider Info
June 13, 2024

Common Moving Mistakes and How to Avoid of Them in Atlanta

packing for a moveBy Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group 

If you intend on moving, there's a great chance you've already started experiencing the pressure. Regardless of whether you're moving just one block away or are changing towns, the tension that goes with the packing and also making the plans might be overwhelming.

Relocating from one place to a different takes energy, time, and money. You could potentially expend a whole month preparing it but still find yourself making some costly goof ups. Listed below are 5 moving faux pas and how you may keep clear of them.

1. Planning to Move And not using a Checklist

The key to a seamless and effective move is proper preparing and organization. You should have an approach on the way you'll handle every step of the moving process, like acquiring the right cartons, packing, finding a moving company in Atlanta, etc. One of the primary reasons that folks get overloaded when moving residences is because they don't have a definite process on how to prioritize tasks.

After you decide to move, develop a moving checklist which is both individualized and prioritized. Ensure you stick to it and break down assignments into subtasks, that you will cross off as soon as done. A good list can help you complete the pre-move preparations on time, reducing the tension which comes with last-minute rushes.

2. Waiting Up to the Last Minute to Pack

No one likes packing; it can be monotonous, requires a great deal of time, and is in all honesty not a lot of fun. However, it's one of those moving responsibilities that merely must be finished. Regardless of if you plan on flinging all the things aimlessly in numerous cartons and tape everything up…you will still need to pack.

Here is the other issue, practically nothing truly works out how you like it to if you are moving. An undertaking that should need 10 minutes may end up consuming a couple of hours, which is why it is best to pack ahead of time.

Allow yourself plenty of time to pack dependant upon the size of your house as well as the amount of stuff you have. In case you have loads of breakable and delicate belongings, you'll need more time.

In case you are running short on time, talk to your professional movers in Atlanta as to what packing services they offer.

3. Hoarding Items

Before commencing packing, go through all your things and determine the ones that you have not utilized in a long time. Sell all the things that is valuable, but you do not need and give away stuff that you cannot make use of. On the positive side, decluttering is psychologically liberating, and packing will be less hectic.

4. Making the Move on Your Own

Hiring professional movers in Atlanta to help you move could be expensive, however it is normally worth it. Indeed, you could potentially ask friends and family to help you with the move, however you will still take more time than you would have, and there's definitely the chance that you lose something or you bust a valuable item.

Accept what moving will involve and then decide how much you will be ready to spend on it. Should you not have a lot of items, then a DIY move might work, but if you have a truckload of stuff, you'll want to work with a moving company in Atlanta.

5. Not Considering Your New Neighbors

When moving into a new home, make certain you do not tick off the neighbors. Make sure you make plans prior to the move relating to the place that the moving truck may park. If the moving truck may well obstruct your neighbor's driveway or will require an excessive amount of space, you'll want to make sure they know ahead of time so that they will not be inconvenienced.

Are You Planning for a Move Soon?

Don't overlook the dedication that goes into moving residences. Make sure you label every one of the boxes so you will not have a hard time unpacking and that you measure your new home to confirm that all your items are going to fit.

With some preparing and forethought, moving doesn't have to be problematic and hectic. In case you are moving soon and questioning where to start, A-1 Freeman Moving Group in Atlanta can help. Call us today.


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