By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
If your moving company has packed and loaded all your things, and a multi-day journey is standing between you and your new residence in Atlanta, the dread regarding the drive is real. And it appears like the simplest course of action is to stock up on USB chargers to make certain everybody is constantly busy, and you will be free to have some solace and also NPR. That is the effortless approach, but who said life was meant to be easy? Get some maps, activities, coloring pages, crayons, and load up your mobile phone with road trip songs--this is mostly a generation that has evolved on "Baby Shark" and must learn "John Jacob Jingleheimerwhatever".
Setting up Your Path to Atlanta
Get authentic paper maps for the children and show them the way to check out the icons and find the waterways, highways, state borders, etc. Ask them to find fun stuff to do--"points of interest"--along the way and have everyone select at least one tourist trap on the way, or one per day you will be on your way. Should you be traveling with household pets, this can be the opportunity to get them outside and going some throughout the day.
Car Activities
Children and teenagers these days. They're so obsessed with Snapchat and YouTube they may have neglected the fun of car activities. If you cannot remember any, or you despised them as a kid and didn't pay attention, consider these. All you need is your imagination for these kinds of old favorites. You and your partner can initiate each of the games till there's complete buy-in.
· Name Game--name a name. The following person has to think of a name whose first letter is the final letter of your name--George--Ellen--Nathaniel. You can make your very own rules pertaining to nicknames and diminutives, subject to your youngsters' age range in addition to all round tendency with regard to hand to hand fighting. Proper names, places, cars--anything goes here.
· Punch Buggy--play this one as you can, since VW is halting manufacturing on the Bug. If you see one, you yell the color and punch buggy--"white punch buggy" and then--real fast--"no punch backs". The victorious subsequently gets to SOFTLY poke siblings on the arm--with no retaliatory punch backs.
· Grandma Visited London--there are many titles for this activity, nonetheless essentially, you start out with "Grandma went to London and she packed ......" The next person says the same thing and adds a second item, and so on. It is easier to go alphabetically so you can get past the third round.
· I Spy--easy enough, one tip. The thing you spy needs to be in the vehicle.
· My Cows--or billboards, or bridges. Select the item, and whoever sees it first receives the points. If you are going through a farm area and see real livestock, make sure you count fast.
Sing Songs
Set family-friendly, entertaining to sing music on your gadget, and provide the kids the fun of the previously mentioned John Jacob. Allow them to coach you on songs they have learned, also--but only one Baby Shark per journey. Or Mommy's visiting London with an bare suitcase.
Extended times in the vehicle are usually tiring, and no one really wants to be continuously entertained. Listen to audiobooks--select books you are all familiar with, therefore if someone dozes off they won't miss anything. Nothing can beat Harry Potter for road trip listening.
Don't be the mean parents and hinder all of their technology nevertheless do make an effort to limit it by providing other suggestions to do. Too much screen time does make everyone a little dialed out and grumpy, and this is not the time to encourage the grouchies. In no time, the professional movers in Atlanta will be unloading the truck and you will be in the course of unpacking your new home. The kids can escape to their new rooms and never be seen again. Use this time to force some old-school entertainment on them--years from now, these will likely be fond remembrances.
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