Atlanta Moving Blog - Tips, Tricks, and Insider Info
May 15, 2024

Summertime Moving Do's and Don'ts

moving during the summerBy Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group 

Summertime is the hottest time of the year for moving, and we aren’t just referring to the temperature. With the kids on summer break and the weather clear, summertime is the number one time for families to move, but this definitely comes with its own unique set of challenges. Mixing the hot weather with higher than normal demand, it's critical to know the do's and don'ts of summer moving. Are you going to be moving over the summer? If the answer is yes, it is time to commence planning.

Summer Moving Do's

  • Think As Far in Advance as Possible
  • Pack Carefully or Employ Packers
  • Keep Hydrated
  • Wear Sunscreen and a Wide-Brimmed Hat
  • Ask Sufficient Questions

What should you do when planning a summer move? As moving professionals in Atlanta, we know all the finest chores to be sure your summertime move is as stress-free and carefree as possible.

Book Ahead

Summer is a hectic time for moving. Weekends can be reserved months ahead of the summer moving season and even weekdays will be booked solid. If you would like to work with a quality local mover in Atlanta, contact them about your moving plans and likely timeline as long prior to your relocation as you can. This way, you're more likely to get moving dates that work well with your timetable.

Pack Slow

Never rush yourself when packing up. Allow yourself sufficient of time and don't overheat whilst loading cartons. Request help stacking awkward boxes and disassembling household furniture, if necessary, and don't take on two-person chores on your own. Summer is a time when people often move in a craze, yet it's not worth your toe bone or your grandmother's credenza to go fast.

Keep Hydrated

Don’t neglect to drink an ample amount of water when packing and particularly on moving day while loading or unloading the truck. Have a water bottle on you and refill it frequently. It's also wonderful to provide fresh, cool water for your professional movers in Atlanta in the heat. Movers usually have their own water, however a cooler or a palette of bottles in the fridge is good for you, your family, and the movers alike.

Protect from Sunshine

Wear sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat if you will be overseeing the moving truck loading in the heat & sun. Stay in the shade when possible and avoid over-exposure. Folks often do not realize just how much sun they're getting when consumed with moving day chores, so be careful with yourself and keep an eye on sunburn with your relatives.

Ask Questions and Coordinate

Remember to ask enough questions. Ask how the truck is being packed from back to front and bottom to top. Ask about the transit and how you should coordinate arrival with the moving van at your new home. Ask about your delicate things, about furniture packing, and anything else you are stressed about. An informed customer is a happy customer.

Summer Moving Don'ts

  • Delay Utility Transfers
  • Neglect to Make Specific Plans for Kids and Pets
  • Wait Until the Last Minute
  • Let the Chaos and Heat Get to You

What should you not do throughout a summer move? What choices or actions should you sidestep to have a good experience?

Set Up Your Destination House

Be certain your destination home is set. What is the one thing you'll want to experience after a long trip arriving at the new house? A feel of AC and a cool fridge for drinks. So, make sure your utilities are already set up in your name and turned on. If you have an agent or the residence is nearby, turn the lights and the AC turned on the evening before you will to arrive.

Take Care of Children and Furry Friends

Children and pets require certain care for a move, even moreso in the summer. Be sure furry friends have a crate with everything they will need kept somewhere cool over the move. Have an overnight bag with games and supplies for kids who are moving with you and keep both out of the path while boxes and pieces of furniture are being moved.

Book Ahead, Book Ahead, Book Ahead

Don't wait until the last minute to reserve your moving company in Atlanta or your personal travel plans. Either airline tickets and hotel rooms along the way will increase in price during the summer, but early purchases have a better selection and frequently find a discount.

Catch a Breath in the Shade

Finally, don't allow the heat and the moving chaos bother you. Moving is stressful enough as-is without the heat of summertime intensifying the feeling. Heat might make you drowsy and anxious on a big day, so be sure to monitor your own anxiety and hangout a few minutes with a cool drink in the shade if you begin to overheat either physically or mentally throughout a summertime move.

Moving in the summer months can be a good experience, and you can take advantage of a seamless and easy move with just a few best practices. A-1 Freeman Moving Group in Atlanta can make your summer move simple and fun. Plan in advance and keep a cool head to enjoy your summer relocation. Call us today to get going on your move.


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